
(pronounced: ross-ee-oh-GLOS-sum)


Maxillarieae subtribe Oncidiinae

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Named for John Ross, an early collector of orchids in Mexico.


Six species ranging from Mexico to Panama, previously included in a broadly defined Odontoglossum Kunth as Odontoglossum section Grandia Pfitzer, Odontoglossum section Rossiorchis Kuntze, or Odontoglossum section Rossioglossum Schlechter.

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


Garay, L. A. and G. Kennedy 1976. The genus Rossioglossum. Orchid Digest 40:139-143.

Lückel, E. 1993. Ein bemerkenswerter Fall aus der Arbeit der Bestimmungszentrale: Rossioglossum williamsianum und die verhinderte Hybriden-Registrierung. Die Orchidee 44(1):1-5.