
(pronounced: roo-dolf-ee-EL-lah)


Maxillarieae subtribe Lycastinae

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Caespitose epiphytes and terrestrials. Pseudobulbs ovoid-suborbicular, compressed, ridged and grooved, often spotted. Leaves solitary, elliptic, petiolate. Inflorescences basal scapose racemes, the floral bracts insignificant. Flowers cupped, showy, brown and yellow. Sepals and petals free, spreading. Lip three-lobed, clawed, with one or two prominent calli. Column arching, with a pair of terminal glandular stalked processes; pollinia 4, sessile, in two pairs on a large transverse viscidium.


Commemorating the German orchid taxonomist Rudolf Schlechter (1872-1925).


A genus of seven species from South America previously included in a broadly defined Bifrenaria Lindley.


Bock, I. 1999. Rudolfiella bicornaria (Rchb.f.) Hoehne 1953. Die Orchidee 50(1): Orchideenkartei Seite 897-898.

Senghas, K. 1994. Rudolfiella aurantiaca (Lindl.) Hoehne 1949. Die Orchidee 45(4): Orchideenkartei Seite 771-772.