Angraecum aparoides Carol Ann CBR 2025-01-21

Posted on January 21, 2025

SITF has determined this plant to be Angraecum bancoense, not A. aparoides (Jan 2025). There are four taxa in this section; three of them are distinguished most easily on the length of their spurs. The measurements of this plant have the ovary at 0.3 cm long, which makes the spur (as seen in one of the photos) to be no more than .15-.2 cm. Angraecum aporoides has the longest spur of all of the species at 0.7cm and an ovary 0.7-0.8cm. Angraecum bancoense has an ovary 0.5-0.6cm long and a spur of .25-.5cm. Angraecum distichum ovary 0.5-0.6 and spur 0.5-0.6cm. Angraecum podochiloides spur is .45-.6cm. The spur shape of A. aporoides is straight, narrowly cylindrical with a wide mouth. A. bancoense's spur is straight, suddenly tapering near the end to a short tubular apex. A. distichum's spur is straight or slightly upcurved, suddenly tapering near the end to an acute apex. A. podochiloides's spur is straight, narrowly funnel-shaped, suddenly tapering near the end to an acute apex. Plant size of aporoides is 40cm; A. bancoense is about 15cm; A. distichum is 25 cm; and A. podochiloides is 60cm. Based on the length of the spur (less than 2cm), plant size (17cm), spur shape, and matching Floral dimensions, Angraecum bancoense Van Der Burg is the best fit. It is described as "very similar to distichum, but smaller in all respects and differs in the details of the lateral sepals, lip and spur."

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