

Discover Orchids With Us
Education is one of the three main pillars of the American Orchid Society.
Judging Program

The Awards and Judging Committee focuses on education for judges and the greater orchid community through judging events that serve the public. Click on this link to get to their page.

The Education Committee offers a wide variety of educational resources and programs for adults and youth, such as the Junior Flower Show which is held in conjunction with the Philadelphia Flower Show. Read on to find out more about the Education Committee.

Explore Everything the Education Committee Has to Offer


Search our webinars for answers to orchid care questions in "Ask the Orchid Doctor" series or travel to far off places to see native orchids or just sit back and watch a talk on your favorite orchid genus. Access to all our webinars is a benefit of AOS membership!

Youth Education Programs

The Education Committee sponsors a wide variety of youth orchid programs, such as Junior Flower Shows, Scout Interest Projects, Kids Corners at Orchid Shows, and In-School Orchid Education Classes.

Orchid Care and Culture Sheets

Our always popular Orchid Culture Sheets now have a new name and a new look. These sheets provide genus information, care instructions for indoor or greenhouse care, and a reference section for additional reading. These are available for several common genera.

Education Grants

The Education Committee provides grants to individuals, organizations, and orchid societies that would like to sponsor an educational orchid program. Some of our recent grants were to the Brevard Zoo, the Maryland Orchid Society, and the Mütter Museum at the College of Physicians in Philadelphia, PA.

Volunteer Awards

Volunteers are the heart of any organization. The Certificate of Meritorious Achievement in Orchid Education is presented to an individual or individuals for long-standing endeavors in the field of orchid education. Anyone can submit the name of an AOS volunteer they would like to see get this award.

QR Codes

Quick Response (QR) Codes are available for all the Orchid Care and Culture Sheets. These are especially useful at orchid shows or for botanical gardens as they can easily be placed near the various orchid displays and provide immediate access to our Orchid Care & Culture Sheets for visitors.

AOS Sticker Book

The AOS children’s sticker book, Stuck on Orchids, can be purchased from the AOS store. However, in conjunction with its Instructor’s Guide, they are great resources that can be used in Kids Corners at orchid shows or botanical gardens, classrooms, or any children’s orchid class.

The vision of the Education Committee is to inspire a passion for orchids by teaching about these beautiful, interesting, and sometimes exotic plants, using stimulating methods that are fun, interactive, and empowering for all ages.

To become a member of our committee or ask us a question, email
