Anoectochilus reinwardtii Timbucktoo CBR 2025-01-25

Posted on January 25, 2025

SITF confirms this plant as Anoectochilus reinwardtii (Feb 2025). This plant matches Anoectochilus reinwardtii in Eric Christenson's Key to the more common species of Anoectochilus. Two similar species of Anoectochilus, A. reinwardtii and A. albolineatus, are separated by the length of the lacinia. In A. albolineatus, the lacinia are the same length all along the lip claw and in A. reinwardtii, they get longer the farther from the column and the last pair nearest the column are reduced to little toothlike structures as in this plant. Also, The fringing of the lip is more extensive in A. reinwardtii than that in A. roxburghii and the color of the leaf veining is correct for this plant.

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