: Five miniscule flowers and two buds on seven single-flowered, basal,erect
inflorescences; small, creeping plant; terete rhizomes elongated, smooth,
covered with sheaths; filiform, elongated, sinuous roots; pseudobulbs
well-spaced; depressed-ovoid basally, smooth, terete above the base, carry one
leaf and are closely as long as the rhizomes ; leaves linear-ligulate,
subobtuse, narrowed towards the base, smooth, leathery; flowers not fully open;
dorsal sepal, erect, oblong, glabrous, acute; lateral sepals
subfalcate-oblique, fused at the lower margins to the apex; minute,
too-small-too-measure petals obliquely oblong, acuminate, glabrous; lip fleshy,
narrowly lanceolate-tongue-shaped, obtuse; keels thickened, parallel basally,
merging medially, above surface rugulose- and verruculose- punctate, reverse
smooth; column short; ovary shortly pedicellate, glabrous, subclavate;Â
flower base color white; dorsal sepal overlaid yellow-green distally; lateral
sepals overlaid yellow-green inside, marron outside, lip carmine-red, yellow
apically;plant was acquired and shown as Bulbophyllum comberi J.J.Verm. in
J.B.Comber, Orchids Java: 267 (1990) which, according to WCSPF has a natural
distribution of Borneo (G. Kinabalu), Jawa to Lesser Sunda Is. (Flores) but several
of the judges believed it to be Bulbophyllum membranaceum Teijsm. & Binn.,
Natuurk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Indië 5: 488 (1854) native to Thailand, Malesia to the
Western Pacific; provisional award pending taxonomic verification by SITF.
20161841 PRJC