SITF has determined this plant to be Bulbophyllum alticola, not Bulbophyllum longilabre (Mar 2025). Based on flower morphology and the form of the pseudobulbs, this plant is a match for B. alticola. These pseudobulbs are more conical than is B. longilabre and the lip has only two discernible keels, rather than three. The photos of B. alticola in the POWO and IOSPE are a close match to this plant.
Overall Length Of Growth Cane: 13 cm
Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 1
Leaf Length: 2.3
Leaf Width: 0.9
Leaf Margin: entire
Leaf Shape: elliptic
Leaf Petiole Length: n.a.
Pseudobulb Length: 1.3
Pseudobulb Width: 0.6
Pseudobulb Margin: n.a
Pseudobulb Distance: 0.1
Pseudobulb Root Tip: white
Inflorescence Overall Length: 3.3
Inflorescence Arrangement: n.a
Inflorescence Dist Base To Bud: 1.8
Inflorescence Dist Bet Flowers: n.a.
Inflorescence Dist To Sepal: 1.5
Floral Bracts Length: n.a
Floral Bracts Width: n.a
Ovary Length: 1.5
Ovary Shape: tubular
Ovary Color: light green
Ovary Texture: matte
Flower Natural Spread Length: 4.2
Flower Natural Spread Width: 3.3
Dorsal Sepal Length: 2.5
Dorsal Sepal Width: 0.2
Lateral Sepals Length: 2.8
Lateral Sepals Width: 0.4
Petals Width: 0.3
Judging Center: Montreal Judging Center
Award Number: 20246954
Award Date: November 16, 2024
Awarded As: CBR
Aw. description: Two flowers and 13 buds on 15 inflorescences grown on an 8-cm wide by 14-cm long tree fern slab; flowers cream;sepals striped deep burgundy; minute petals deep burgundy, porrect; lip cream, cylindrical, enlongated; column cream, anther cap deep burgundy; substance firm; texture matte.Other details: The plant was submitted to the judging center as Bulb. longilabre, however the botanist of Montreal Botanical Gardens suspects that it was wrongly identified. Here is the note we received from him the week following judging:I've just checked our Bulbophyllum longilabre. It is misidentified.I have identified it as Bulbophyllum alticola on account of its flower morphology.It could be either of the following two species : B. dolichoglottis or B. alticola,It matches best B. alticola on account of its shallowly grooved pseudobulbs: Bulbophyllum alticola Schltr. is similar to Bulbophyllum dolichoglottis Schltr. in flower morphology, but differs in the smooth or shallowly longitududinally grooved pseudobulbs (versus obtusely to sharply 4-(-5-)angled pseudobulbs)Here are my references : alticola