Bulbophyllum psittacoglossum, award 20097149, has been confirmed to be Bulb. facetum (c.f.), SITF Sept 2009, with assistance from Doris Jensen and Jaap J. Vermeulen.
Just so you know how all this played out----Here are the latter’s comments: It is interesting that you show me these pictures just now. Yesterday I had a long discussion with Dr. Gunther Fischer from Salzburg about this B. lobbii-related plant native in the Philippines. It is often incorrectly identified as B. coweniorum, which is a species from Laos. He argued that this Philippine form, race, or whatever it is, genetically clusters with B. facetum. Based on a frontal view of the flower, I had my doubts but now that you show me a picture of a lateral view of the flower I can see his point: it has the angular ovary ribs that distinguish B. facetum from other lobbii-alikes. I must check some pickled material before I can decide if this is B. facetum or not, but it is close to it at least.So, after a long story a short id for the plant:B. c.f. facetum."Later he wrote- There is not much more or less correct info on B. lobbii and its supposed relatives. Bulbophyllum c.f. facetum is a scientifically correct name, or as correct as I can come up with here and now. In case you use this id in an award, I could cite this in my revision as a synonym under whatever name I then give the taxon. Formally, that would be a sound procedure, taxonomically linking your award name to the new name. You could then use the new name without further ado, I suppose.
So it will go in as Bulb. facetum (c.f.)CHM and later on as these get sorted out we can segregate it out….if we last that long!