Overall Length Of Growth Cane: 10cm pseudobulb
Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 2
Leaf Length: 41cm
Leaf Width: 10cm
Leaf Margin: entire
Pseudobulb Length: 10cm tall
Pseudobulb Width: 5cm
Pseudobulb Margin: glabrous
Pseudobulb Distance: touching one another
Inflorescence Overall Length: 40.3cm
Inflorescence Arrangement: hysteranthous, arched
Floral Bracts Length: 3cm
Floral Bracts Width: 1.3cm
Ovary Length: 0.8cm
Ovary Width: 0.2cm
Ovary Shape: oblong
Ovary Color: light green
Ovary Texture: matte
Flower Natural Spread Length: 2cm
Flower Natural Spread Width: 2.5cm
Dorsal Sepal Length: 1.8cm
Dorsal Sepal Width: 0.8
Lateral Sepals Length: 1.8cm
Lateral Sepals Width: 0.7cm
Petals Length: 1.5cm
Petals Width: 0.3cm
Judging Center: PNWJC
Award Number: 20194965
Award Date: December 01, 2019
Awarded As: Coelogyne flexuosa
Coelogyne flexuosa Rolfe, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1892: 209 (1892).
This name is accepted.
Distribution: E. Jawa to Lesser Sunda Is. (Bali)