Overall Length Of Growth Cane: 25 to 50 cm
Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 2
Leaf Length: 26.0 cm
Leaf Width: 6.5 cm
Leaf Margin: entire
Leaf Shape: ovo-lanceolate
Leaf Petiole Length: 6.0 - 7.0 cm
Pseudobulb Length: 9.0 cm
Pseudobulb Width: 3.5 cm
Pseudobulb Margin: ovate
Pseudobulb Distance: aggregate
Pseudobulb Root Tip: non-visible
Inflorescence Overall Length: 39 cm
Inflorescence Arrangement: raceme
Inflorescence Dist Base To Bud: 14.0 cm
Inflorescence Dist Bet Flowers: 2.0 cm
Inflorescence Dist To Sepal: 2.0 cm
Floral Bracts Length: 2.5 cm
Floral Bracts Width: 1.1 cm
Ovary Length: 1.0 cm
Ovary Width: 0.2 cm
Ovary Shape: cylinder
Ovary Color: green, dark chestnut hairs
Ovary Texture: hirsute
Flower Natural Spread Length: 6.3 cm
Flower Natural Spread Width: 7.5 cm
Dorsal Sepal Length: 4.0 cm
Dorsal Sepal Width: 1.5 cm
Lateral Sepals Length: 4.1 cm
Lateral Sepals Width: 1.3 cm
Petals Length: 3.5 cm
Petals Width: 0.5 cm
Judging Center: Northeast
Award Number: 20194330
Award Date: August 17, 2019
Awarded As: Coelogyne odoardi 'Irene' CHM/HCC/AOS`
Thirty-seven lovely stellate flowers alternately arranged and beautifully displayed on three pendulous inflorescences bearing deep brown bracts at the point where each flower emerges; robust plant grown in a moss filled 15 cm square basket; sepals and petals start out light rust then become old gold as flowers mature; lip white striped mahogany centrally, deep mahogany marginally, triangular yellow spot apically; column white; anther cap white, yellow on margins; a beautifully colored flower in a genus known mostly for its ivory white flowers; this cultivar also received at this judging an HCC/AOS (Award 20194331); native to Borneo; confirmed by SITF
Purchased from Ooi Long Sun, Malaysia
leaves coriaceous; inflorescence terminal, pendulous
Dudley Clayton - The Genus Coelogyne, 2002 pp. 143-4, p. 235