Award # 20162588 Â CBR
Dendrobium  kiauense 'orkiddoc'
Award date 8/13/16 from the Chicago Judging Center
Plant description:
Three flat pendulous pseudobulbs and one new emerging growth to
30cm. growing on a 15 x5 cm tree fern slab; leaves distchous, long, pointed,
and nearly erect; one peduncle carrying a very short inflorescence with one
flower ,and one additional peduncle (One other pseudobulb has two additional
peduncles, with one bud. These successively flower.) base color cream, striped
maroon; sepals and petals ovate; lip trilobed, side lobes erect, mid lobe
reflexed; substance medium; texture matte.
Measurements: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
 Horiz.     Vert.
Natural spread       Â
  1.1       0.8
Dorsal sepal       Â
    0.3       0.5
Petal        Â
         0.2  Â
Lateral sepal       Â
    0.4       0.6
Lip         Â
          0.6 Â
Additional information:
Growths: Four up to 30cm. in length Â
Leaf (see pictures) (up to) 7.0 X1.0 with entire (smooth) margins
Distance between pseudobulbs 1-3cm.
Inflorescence: 0.3 cm from the leaf
Origin of plant: Carolina Orchids (phone 803-548-1682)
Flowering occurs about every two to three weeks, and it will stay
on the plant 4-7 days. It is a successive flowering plant.
Dendrobium kiauense Ames & C.Schweinf. in O.Ames, Orchidaceae 6: 103 (1920).
This name is accepted.
Dendrobium kiauense, award 20162588, has been
confirmed to be Dendrobium kiauense by SITF (Sept 2016).Â