Overall Length Of Growth Cane: n/a
Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 1
Leaf Length: 24.1
Leaf Width: 3.8
Leaf Margin: smooth
Leaf Shape: lanceolate
Leaf Petiole Length: n/a
Pseudobulb Length: n/an/a
Pseudobulb Width: n/a
Pseudobulb Distance: n/a
Inflorescence Overall Length: 16
Inflorescence Arrangement: successive
Inflorescence Dist Base To Bud: 16
Inflorescence Dist Bet Flowers: 2.5
Inflorescence Dist To Sepal: 15
Floral Bracts Width: minute
Ovary Width: 0.6
Ovary Shape: cylindrical
Ovary Color: mahogany
Ovary Texture: eggshell
Flower Natural Spread Length: 26.3
Flower Natural Spread Width: 6.6
Dorsal Sepal Length: 13.6
Dorsal Sepal Width: 2.9
Dorsal Sepal Cauda Length: 6.3
Dorsal Sepal Cauda Width: n/a
Lateral Sepals Length: 14.3
Lateral Sepals Width: 3.2
Lateral Sepals Caudae Length: 6.3
Lateral Sepals Caudae Width: n/a
Petals Length: n/a
Petals Width: n/a
Judging Center: Hilo, Hawaii
Award Number: 20253702
Award Date: January 11, 2025
Awarded As: CHM
Vendor, Ecugenera, origin, PeruMahogany, Hairy, LargeDescription:Three impressive flowers and three buds on six successive flowering, 16-cm inflorescenses and two additional emerging inflorescenses; sepals aristate with long acuminate caudae, hirsute basally and adjacent to margins, ciliate at margin, cream overlaid chestnut irregular speckles and spots, clear patches centrally, caudae darkest chocolate; petals tiny triangular; lip white, rather prominent, saccate with interior ridges, pale cinnamon centrally; column white, anther cap yellow; substance good; texture hirsute, glabrous centrally. Recognized for desirable size and coloration.