Overall Length Of Growth Cane: 6.0 cm
Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 1
Leaf Length: 6.0
Leaf Width: 1.5
Leaf Margin: entire
Leaf Shape: lanceolate
Pseudobulb Length: 1.0
Pseudobulb Width: 0.1
Pseudobulb Distance: contiguous
Inflorescence Overall Length: 6.0
Inflorescence Arrangement: single
Inflorescence Dist To Sepal: 1.4 cm
Floral Bracts Length: 0.7
Floral Bracts Width: 0.2
Ovary Length: 0.5
Ovary Width: 0.1
Ovary Shape: cylinder
Ovary Color: light green, brown spots
Ovary Texture: smooth
Flower Natural Spread Length: 2.3
Flower Natural Spread Width: 4.6
Dorsal Sepal Length: 2.5
Dorsal Sepal Width: 1.5
Dorsal Sepal Cauda Length: 3.0
Dorsal Sepal Cauda Width: 0.1
Lateral Sepals Length: 2.0
Lateral Sepals Width: 1.1
Lateral Sepals Caudae Length: 1.5
Lateral Sepals Caudae Width: 0.1
Petals Length: 0.5
Petals Width: 0.3
Judging Center: Northeast
Award Number: 20194542
Award Date: November 08, 2019
Awarded As: Masdevallia magaliana 'Susan' CHM/AOS
Three attractive flowers and six buds on nine inflorescences up to 6.0 cm long which emerge from the top of the ramicauls of a 13 cm diameter plant; leaves medium green, lanceolate, 1.5 cm wide by 6 cm long borne atop 1.0 cm ramicauls; sepals apricot, burgundy spots on basal portion of lateral sepal symmetrically framing lip, visible on reverse and on buds; caudae 3.0 cm long, reflexing at right angles; petals translucent apricot; lip apricot, burgundy spots apically, held upright; column light apricot, burgundy spots marginally; anther cap white; substance medium; texture matte; species described in 2006; native to Ecuador; confirmed by SITF
Purchased from Ecuagenera
Sepals fused for first 1/3 forming a short sepaline tube