Oncidium barbatum Lindl., Coll. Bot.: t. 27 (1821).
Accepted Name by Kew: Gomesa barbata (Lindl.) M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams, Ann. Bot. (Oxford) 104: 395 (2009).
Alatiglossum barbatum (Lindl.) Baptista, Colet. OrquÃdeas Brasil. 3: 87 (2006).
Great Plains award 20102329- came thru Ron.
A. barbatum Alliance (5 species) Species having ovate and obscurely tetragon-shaped monofoliate pseudobulbs; flowers having elliptical petals.
this ia from an article Baptista, Docha and I are wrtting about Brasilain oncidium
Key to species:
1a. Lateral sepals equal long or shorter than lip -> 2
1b. Lateral sepals much longer than the lip -> 3
2a. Large reniform lateral lobes -> A. bahiense
2b. Ligular short lateral lobes obliquely arranged; medium size medial lobe -> 4
3a. Lateral lobes perpendicularly arranged; very short medial lobe -> A. barbatum
3b. Three lobes approx. equal size -> A. ciliatum
4a. Reniform medial lobe -> A. fuscopetalum
4b. Panduriform medial lobe -> A. herzogii
Oncidium barbatum, award 20102329, has been confirmed to be Gomesa ciliata (Alatiglossum ciliatum ) by SITF (Dec 2010).