Dear Orchid Identification Friends;
I recently received a CBR/AOS on Oncidium coloratum from Brazil, purchased from Andy's Orchids on a Stick. Of course it needs an ID.
Width in cm. Length in cm.
Natural Spread: Horiz 1.4 1.6
Dorsal Sepal: 0.6 0.8
Petal: 0.5 0.7
Lateral Sepal: 0.6 0.8
Lip: 0.4 0.7
Ten flowers borne on two 5.5cm decumbent inflorescences; plant 4.5 x 4.0cm growing on a hardwood twig, covered in moss; pseudobulb ovate, leaves elliptical 0.9 x 1.3cm;
flowers transluscent cream, sepals overlaid light cinnamon basally; petals heavily overlaid red brick; lip bright yellow overlaid red brick basally; substance good; texture matte. Recognized for its rarity and educationalmpurposes.
I am attatching some pictures.
Thanks in advance,
Walter Crawford
award # is 20105437. The center chair name is James Spatzek, his e-mail Â
mailto:e-mailjamcam21@sbcglobal.netOncidium coloratum Königer & J.G.Weinm.bis, Arcula 2: 51 (1994).
Accepted Name: Gomesa colorata (Königer & J.G.Weinm.) M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams, Phytotaxa 1: 58 (2009).
The name the Brasilians use for this species- Baptistonia colorata (Königer & J.G.Weinm.bis) Chiron, Richardiana 8: 120 (2008).
Oncidium coloratum, award 20105437, has been confirmed to be Gomesa colorata (Oncidium coloratum, Baptistonia colorata) by SITF (Nov 2010). You may now process the award.