SITF confirms this plant as Phalaenopsis equestris (Jan 2025). This plant matches prior AOS awards and Bakers' description found in the OW; it is correct in size, shape, and blooming habit for P. equestris.
Inflorescence Overall Length: 31cm
Inflorescence Arrangement: arching
Flower Natural Spread Length: 2.8cm
Flower Natural Spread Width: 2.6cm
Dorsal Sepal Length: 1.4cm
Dorsal Sepal Width: 0.7cm
Lateral Sepals Length: 1.1cm
Lateral Sepals Width: 0.7cm
Petals Width: 0.7cm
Judging Center: Pacific Central
Award Number: 20245391
Award Date: November 05, 2024
Awarded As: CHM
Thirty-seven flowers and 15 buds on one 31-cm arching inflorescence and one additional inflorescence on keiki off previously flowered inflorescence; sepals and petals white blushed pink; lip white, spotted maroon basally, side lobes two maroon strips centrally, midlobe blushed pink, speckled maroon basal 4/5ths, callus white spotted maroon; column pink, anther cap white; substance medium; texture crystalline; noted for wild-collected native phalaenopsis on Little Orchid Island off southeast coast of Taiwan.