Overall Length Of Growth Cane: 30cm
Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 1
Leaf Length: 18cm
Leaf Width: 3.3cm
Leaf Margin: smooth
Leaf Shape: elliptical
Pseudobulb Length: 10cm
Pseudobulb Width: 0.3cm
Pseudobulb Margin: smooth
Pseudobulb Distance: close together
Pseudobulb Root Tip: green
Inflorescence Overall Length: 46cm
Ovary Length: 0.5cm
Ovary Width: 0.1cm
Ovary Shape: terete
Ovary Color: green with random red-purple blotches
Ovary Texture: ribbed longitudinally
Flower Natural Spread Length: 0.9
Flower Natural Spread Width: 0.4
Dorsal Sepal Length: 1.6
Dorsal Sepal Width: 0.5
Lateral Sepals Length: 1.5
Lateral Sepals Width: 0.5
Petals Length: 1.0
Petals Width: 2.0
Judging Center: Great Plains
Award Number: 20193055
Award Date: December 21, 2019
Awarded As: Pleurothallis (Stelis/Effusiella) scabrata 'Bryon' CBR
Two hundred and eleven cupped, well spaced and presented flowers and two buds on ten semi-arching chartreuse inflorescences up to 46cm long; plant growing in a 8cm plastic pot with sphagnum moss, largest leaf 3.3cm wide x 18cm long, medium green, elliptical, longest ramicaul 0.3cm wide x 12cm long, terete, close tubular sheath below the middle and 2 to 3 others at the base; dorsal sepal solid red-purple, three darker red-purple veins, ovate with lateral margins rolled inward, darker red-purple margins; lateral sepals fused, chartreuse heavily overlaid red-purple, chartreuse midrib, ovate with lateral margins rolled inward on distal two-thirds; petals appressed to the column, chartreuse heavily overlaid red-purple on margins and distal two-thirds, ovate, flat, margins minutely serrulate, reverse solid red-purple; lip three lobed, hinged; white overlaid chartreuse darker on distal one-half; red-purple blotch on central proximal one-half, red-purple random blotches on side lobes, midlobe distally stippled red-purple; column white proximal one-half, pale chartreuse distal one-half; anther cap pale chartreuse; ovary 0.1cm wide x 0.5cm long, green with random red-purple blotches, terete, ribbed longitudinally; pedicel 1.5cm long, chartreuse; texture firm, substance crystalline; species from Ecuador; ID by SITF on ____________.
Icones Pleurothallidinarum XX Pages 83 (Description) & 99 (Line Drawing)
Pleurothallis scabrata 'Bryon' CHM 82 Pts awarded GPJC on 07/21/2001 AOS#20011146 is now Pleurothallis sijmii
'Bryon' AM 84 Pts AOS#20145026, ID by SITF 12/2014. So the real Pths (Stelis/Effusiella) scabrata has never been
recognized by AOS.