SITF confirms this plant as Scuticaria novaesiae (Mar 2025). Note the correct spelling of the genus and species. Compared this plant to Scuticaria strictifolia, which is similar; however, S. strictifolia is an erect grower and this plant is pendulous. Also compared this plant to S. bueraremensis; however, this plant has three crests in throat while the photo of S. bueraremensis has only two? Photos of S. novaesiae in the OW are a close match to this plant. It is an exact match to the photo of S. novaesiae in Aldrich & Higgins, Compendium of Orchid Genera.
Overall Length Of Growth Cane: 42 cm
Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 1
Leaf Length: .04
Leaf Width: 41
Leaf Margin: undulate
Leaf Shape: terete; cylinder, linear
Leaf Petiole Length: 0
Pseudobulb Width: N/A
Pseudobulb Distance: 1.5 cm
Pseudobulb Root Tip: not visible
Inflorescence Overall Length: 1.1 cm
Inflorescence Arrangement: pendant/solitary
Inflorescence Dist Bet Flowers: 1 flower per inflorescence
Ovary Color: light yellow-green
Ovary Texture: lightly textured
Flower Natural Spread Length: 5.4 cm
Flower Natural Spread Width: 5.0 cm
Dorsal Sepal Length: 3.0
Dorsal Sepal Width: 0.4
Lateral Sepals Length: 3.1
Lateral Sepals Width: 0.4
Petals Width: 0.4
Judging Center: Northeast
Award Number: 20244885
Award Date: April 20, 2024
Awarded As: CBR
One flower on one 8.1 cm inflorescence held perpendicular to a sympodial plant with long pendant terete foliage to 42-cm long grown on an 8-cm wide x 26-cm long moss covered wood mount; sepals and petals linear, butter yellow heavily overlaid chestnut brown becoming blotches at the proximal ends, margins recurved; lip ovoid, ivory-white lightly overlaid light butter-yellow, randomly spotted mahogany-red, distal margin lightly ruffled, side-lobes rolled toward column; column white, finely stippled mahogany-red basally, anther cap white; substance firm; texture waxy; species native to Mata Atlântica of Brazil; awarded as a curious, smaller growing species in an uncommonly cultivated genus. NOTE: The original SITF form (paper) completed on 4/20/2024 was lost. Details provided have been recreated (7/20/2024) as well as possible however some details were not able to be recreated since the flowers were well past by that time.