SITF confirms this plant as Zootrophion gracilentum (Feb 2025). It is a good match to Z. gracilentum, including the smaller leaf/plant proportion to the flowers, and the purple/burgundy underside of the leaves. This plant is a good match to Pupulin's photo in the October 2014 "Orchids" magazine. Key characteristics of Z. gracilentum are the dorsal sepal, which is more pointed, instead of hooking over and down in the closely related Z. hypodiscus and the smaller opening of the slot, which better fits Z. gracilentum than Z. hypodiscus, which has a larger opening.
Overall Length Of Growth Cane: 10.6
Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 1
Leaf Length: 6.6
Leaf Width: 3.6
Leaf Shape: Ovate broadly acute
Leaf Petiole Length: 1
Pseudobulb Length: 4
Pseudobulb Width: 0.2
Pseudobulb Distance: minute
Pseudobulb Root Tip: light maroon
Inflorescence Overall Length: 2.8
Inflorescence Arrangement: clustered
Inflorescence Dist Base To Bud: N/A
Inflorescence Dist Bet Flowers: N/A
Inflorescence Dist To Sepal: 1.5
Floral Bracts Length: N/A
Floral Bracts Width: N/A
Ovary Length: 0.3
Ovary Width: 0.2
Ovary Shape: cylindrical
Ovary Color: burgundy with cream veins
Ovary Texture: matte
Flower Natural Spread Length: 0.5
Flower Natural Spread Width: 0.8
Dorsal Sepal Length: 1.2
Dorsal Sepal Width: 0.4
Dorsal Sepal Cauda Length: -
Dorsal Sepal Cauda Width: -
Lateral Sepals Length: 1.3
Lateral Sepals Width: 0.3
Lateral Sepals Caudae Length: -
Lateral Sepals Caudae Width: -
Petals Length: -
Petals Width: 0.2
Judging Center: Montreal
Award Number: 20246934
Award Date: July 20, 2024
Awarded As: CBR
Twenty-five flowers and five buds on 30 inflorescences up to 1 cm borne on a 37 cm wide by 28 cm high by 10.6 cm deep immaculate and well-grown plant mounted on a 13 cm wide by 15 cm high cork slab; leaves green, mature leaves dark burgundy on reverse, ovate, broadly acute up to 3.6 cm wide by 6.6 cm long; ramicaul up to 4 cm long; dorsal sepal translucent, overlaid dark burgundy on distal quarter, veined dark burgundy, hirsute cream; lateral sepals fused, dark burgundy, hirsute cream; petals dark burgundy; column dark burgundy, anther cap cream; substance firm; texture crystalline. Recognized for rarity in cultivation and educational value.