Dracula-saulii-2023-08-24 *SITF confirms that this plant is Dracula saulii (Aug 2023).

Posted on August 24, 2023

This plant exactly matches the description and findings of Dracula saulii 02-14-2023, award number 20234261. The key characteristic of D. saulii, besides the velutinous hairs covering the flower, is the unusual length of the dorsal cauda compared to the lateral caudae; in D. saulii, the dorsal tail is two to three times shorter than the length of the lateral tails. In this flower the dorsal sepal cauda is 4.2 cm and the lateral sepal caudae is 11.5 cm. D. saulii is also distinguished by its small size and narrowly linear, obtuse leaves. The only other species that appears close is D. adrianae, but all the caudae on D. adrianae are about the same length and it differs in its plant characteristics. This plant displays distinctive, reflexed segments and dense spicules on the surfaces of the segments as does D. saulii.

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