Epidendrum-hondurense-2023-06-29 *SITF confirms this plant as Epidendrum hondurense (Jul 2023).

Posted on June 29, 2023

This plant was identified to the exhibitor by Dr. Eric Hagsater, the authority in the Genus Epidendrum; Dr. Hagsater stated that this plant was definitely E. hondurense. The description and drawing for E. hondurense can be found in the ICONES Orchidacearum, Fascicle 11, The Genus Epidendrum, Part 7 by Hagsater, et. al. and ICONES Orchidacearum (16)1 (2018), Genus Epidendrum, Part 12. The inflorescences on this plant are simple racemes, not branched panicles; this characteristic along with the matching color and dimensions fits E. hondurense.

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