SITF confirms this plant as Eria rhomboidalis (Nov 2024). This species was formerly known as Conchidium rhomboidale and this plant keys to Conchidium rhomboidale in the "Flora of China". There are varying degrees of bronzing on the segments which makes the color somewhat variable. The plant matches the form and the flower size is in the range of the definition in the IOSPE of ~ 2cm. The protuberances on the lip callus match the photos, including the images in the POWO very well.
Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 2
Leaf Length: 4.5
Leaf Width: 1.3
Leaf Margin: smooth
Pseudobulb Length: 1.7
Pseudobulb Width: 0.7
Pseudobulb Margin: ribbed longitudinally
Pseudobulb Distance: 2.7
Pseudobulb Root Tip: green
Inflorescence Overall Length: 1.5cm
Inflorescence Arrangement: single flowered
Ovary Length: 1.4
Ovary Width: 0.1
Ovary Shape: terete
Ovary Color: chartreuse overlaid burgundy
Ovary Texture: ribbed longitudinally
Flower Natural Spread Length: 2.5
Flower Natural Spread Width: 2.4
Dorsal Sepal Length: 1.7
Dorsal Sepal Width: 0.5cm
Lateral Sepals Length: 1.5
Lateral Sepals Width: 0.6
Petals Length: 1.4cm
Petals Width: 0.4cm
Judging Center: Great Plains Judging Center
Award Number: 20243561
Award Date: February 07, 2024
Awarded As: -1
Two flat stellate flowers on two subterminal 1.5 cm inflorescences; plant growing on a 7.0 cm wide x 45.0 cm in length cholla mount with sphagnum moss. pseudobulbs ovoid, ribbed longitudinally, medium green, with one brown dry sheath around the base, largest pseudobulb 0.7 cm wide x 1.7 cm in length; carrying 2 apical, shiny, medium green, elliptic to ovate-elliptic leaves up to 1.3 cm wide x 4.5 cm in length; rhizomes between pseudobulbs 0.1 x 2.7, terete, brown; roots white, tips green, minutely hirsute, 0.2 cm wide; flowers brown-pink with light yellow picotee; dorsal sepal and petals with darker venation; lateral sepals lighter on inferior one-half, fused at base forming a mentum; lip white, overlaid yellow centrally, sidelobes overlaid deep red plum, keeled centrally, keels becoming fimbriate on distal one-half, margins heavily undulate; column 0.2cm wide x 0.5cm long, pale chartreuse; anther cap pale yellow with plum red spot on inferior apex; ovary chartreuse overlaid burgundy proximal one-half, ribbed longitudinally, terete 0.1 cm wide x 1.4 cm in length,; substance medium; texture crystalline; fragrance noted; species native to Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan and southeastern Yunnan provinces of China, ID by SITF _____________.Plant came from Wenqing Perner at Hengduan Mountains Biotechnology Ltd. in China.