Prosthechea-joaquingarciana-Rita-Emilia-CBR/AOS-2023-08-25 *SITF confirms this plant is Prosthechea joaquingarciana (Oct 2023).

Posted on August 25, 2023

This plant matches the description and photo of P. joaquingarciana in the IOSPE (as the synonym Anacheilum joaquingarcianum) and Pupulin's original description in Selbyana 22(1):19. 2001; a photo and drawing can be found in It is similar to P. radiata, but P. joaquingarciana has linear, subterete, sulcate pseudobulbs and spots on the segments with a widely ovate lip as does this plant. The pseudobulbs of this plant measure 25 cm, which is in range and the flower size also meets the description. This plant had many blooms on a two-leafed pseudobulb, which eliminates the 2-flowered P. baculus and P. baculibulbum, which has 3-leaves.

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