Restrepia-wageneri-2023-11-12 *SITF confirms that this plant is Restrepia wageneri (Dec 2023).

Posted on November 12, 2023

This plant matches Baker and Baker's description in the OW and Luer's description in the Icones Pleurothallidinarum XIII: Systematics of Restrepia. R. wageneri is allied to R. elegans and R. lansbergii, but differs in the thinly striped synsepal. It is similar to the striped form of R. trichoglossa, but the very narrow, usually fringed lip distinguishes it. The small lip on this flower is oblong and narrows in the middle; the margins appear scabrous when photos of the lip are enlarged; overall, this plant in form and color matches R. wageneri better than R. trichoglossa. Photo in also closely matches this plant.

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