This plant matches two images of R. dodsoniana in, both from Ecuagenera; this plant was also obtained from Ecuagenera. The species was named by H. Medina at Ecuagenera and is endemic to Ecuador. The flower size is in range and the color and markings match the species. The description of R. dodsoniana was published in the"Orchids" magazine 88(3):229-231.
Overall Length Of Growth Cane: 31.0
Number Of Leaves Per Growth Or Cane: 2-4
Leaf Length: 29.5
Leaf Width: 2.3
Leaf Margin: entire
Leaf Shape: lanceolate
Leaf Petiole Length: 3.6
Pseudobulb Length: 4.0
Pseudobulb Width: 1.5
Pseudobulb Margin: flattened
Pseudobulb Distance: .05-1.0
Pseudobulb Root Tip: chartreuse
Inflorescence Overall Length: 7.2
Inflorescence Arrangement: raceme
Inflorescence Dist Base To Bud: 4.1
Inflorescence Dist Bet Flowers: 1.0
Inflorescence Dist To Sepal: 2.6cm to base of sepals
Floral Bracts Length: 0.7
Floral Bracts Width: 0.3
Ovary Length: 2.6
Ovary Width: 0.2
Ovary Shape: tubular
Ovary Color: white
Ovary Texture: waxy
Flower Natural Spread Length: 2.3
Flower Natural Spread Width: 2.4
Dorsal Sepal Length: 1.2
Dorsal Sepal Width: 3.0
Lateral Sepals Length: 0.6
Lateral Sepals Width: 4.2
Petals Length: 0.8
Petals Width: 3.1
Judging Center: FNCJC
Award Number: 20241030
Award Date: January 27, 2024
Awarded As: Rodriguezia dodsoniana CBR/AOS
Four pendent flowers on a up to 7.2-cm, staked, raceme emerging from a basal leaf bract on a flattened, ovoid, up to 4-cm pseudobulb; leaves lanceolate, erect, up to 29.5 cm by 2.3 cm; flowers white, dorsal sepal, spatulate, porrect, lateral sepals lanceolate, recurved and clasped together resembling a nectar spur; petals porrect, elliptical, apices acute, loosely stippled burgundy; lip porrect, bifid, truncate, centrally striped and marginally stippled burgundy, column longitudinally striped light burgundy, horns very lightly blushed burgundy, anther cap white; substance medium; texture matte; species native to Ecuador; granted for recognition for rarity, novelty, and educational value previously unrecorded for these charming elegant flowers.
Purchased from Ecuagenera.
Lateral sepals swept back, clasped together resembling a nectary spur
Referenced Orchids Magazine 88 (3) page 229, Feb 2019