SITF Submissions and Findings

The Species Identification Task Force receives submissions from orchid judging centers or exhibitors.

Macroclinium junctum Sparkler CBR 2024-07-06
Posted on July 06, 2024
Domingoa gemma Cosmos CCM 2024-07-01
Posted on July 01, 2024
SITF confirms that this plant is Domingoa gemma (Jul 2024). The flower is an almost exact match to the photo in the IOSPE and the plants and flowers in the OW as Nageliella angustifolia (synonym).
Anguloa tognettiae Netherby CHM 2024-06-25
Posted on June 25, 2024
SITF confirms that this plant is Anguloa tognettiae (July 2024). This plant was compared to A. x speciosa (A. virginalis x A. tognettiae). In A. virginalis, the attachment of the lip to the column foot is an elongated tubular structure folded completely back on itself. In A. tognettiae, the connection is almost straight down. Since A. x speciosa always exhibits some noticeable tubular extension and the petals of A. speciosa are rarely pure white due to the subtle pink spotting coming from A. virginalis, A. x speciosa was ruled out.
Coelogyne mucronata Everest CBR 2024-06-24
Posted on June 24, 2024
Phragmipedium schlimii var manzurii "Kanga'Roo" AM 2024-06-23
Posted on June 23, 2024
SITF confirms this plant as Phragmipedium schlimii (Jun 2024). This is confirmed without a subspecies designation. Kew POWO has synonymized all schlimii-like species and subspecies to be P. schlimii. All 7 of the segregates from schlimii are now considered synonyms of schlimii and will be explained in an upcoming article in the August AOS "Orchids" magazine. P. schlimii is now considered an ochlospecies (a polymorphic species with chaotic infraspecific variation which is intractable to formal taxonomic treatment) and all the variables that were used to segregate them are fascile across the entire region.
Pleurothallis (Anathallis/Specklinia) citrina Bryon CBR 2024-06-22
Posted on June 22, 2024
Restrepia striata Shogun Hawaii CCE 2024-06-21
Posted on June 21, 2024
Brassia jipijapensis Shogun Hawaii AM 2024-06-20
Posted on June 20, 2024
SITF confirms this that this plant is Brassia jipijapensis (Jul 2024). The plant matches the lip form and description of B. jipijapensis in the IOSPE. This plant strongly resembles the flowers, especially the Lip crests, in the photos shown in the OW, POWO and OrchidRoots.
Thunia brymeriana Vincent Labate CHM 2024-06-17
Posted on June 17, 2024
Vanda falcata Chiyo no Kotobuki CHM 2024-06-16
Posted on June 16, 2024
Ophrys scolopax subsp. heldreichii Jim Pyrzynski CBR 2024-06-14
Posted on June 14, 2024
Ophrys fusca subsp. iricolor Jim Pyrzynski CBR 2024-06-14
Posted on June 14, 2024
Elleanthus amethystinoides Oakwood Berry CBR 2024-06-09
Posted on June 09, 2024
Microcoelia cornuta 'Menominee' CBR 2024-06-06
Posted on June 06, 2024
Chiloschista lindstroemii 'Lace' CBR-2024-06-06
Posted on June 06, 2024
Chiloschista shanica Adrienne CBR 2024-06-06
Posted on June 06, 2024
SITF confirms that this plant is Chiloschista shanica (Jul 2024). It is an excellent match to photos on; an excellent description and drawing can be found in the article, "Chiloschista shanica K.P.Wojtas, C.Bandara & Kumar, 2023" found in the Treatment Bank on-line. The bifid curls at the apex of the lip, which is a characteristic of C. shanica, also matches this plant.
Phragmipedium anguloi 'Spruce Creek' CHM 2024-05-20
Posted on May 20, 2024
SITF has determined this plant to be Phragmipedium schlimii, not P. anguloi (Jun 2024). Pharagmipedium anguloi is considered to be synonymous with P. schlimii by KEW POWO. All of the small-flowered taxa that look like schlimii have now been reduced to synonyms of schlimii.
Epidendrum difforme 'Max & Bryon' JC 2024-05-18
Posted on May 18, 2024
Dendrobium lunatum 'Bryon' CBR-2024-05-18
Posted on May 18, 2024
Gomesa alpina 'J&L' CHM 2024-05-10
Posted on May 10, 2024
SITF has determined this plant to be Gomesa planifolia, not Gomesa alpina (Jun 2024). The key difference between G. alpina and G. planifolia is that G. alpina has 10-15 flowers on an up to 13-cm inflorescence and G. planifolia has up to 50 flowers on a 25 to 30-cm inflorescence. This plant had 44 flowers on an up to 25-cm inflorescence, which better keys to G. planifolia. G. recurva was also considered, however, Kew's POWO considers G. recurva to be synonymous with G. planifolia. Matching photos of G. planifolia may be found in the IOSPE and the Description and photos of G. planifolia are in the "Orchids of Brazil" by Dalton H. Batista, Patricia Harding, et. al.
Galeandra minax 'XTK' CHM 2024-05-10
Posted on May 10, 2024
SITF confirms this plant as Galeandra minax (May 2024). There is an excellent matching photo of Galeandra minax in the POWO and twelve closely matching photos in the The flower size appears a little smaller (3.8 cm Vert. vs. 4.2 cm) than is described in the IOSPE. There is also a description of G. minax by Wilson and Wilson and a photo by Marni Turkel in an article in the "Orchids" magazine, June 2023.
Pinalia eriopsidobulbon 'Lori Lyon' CBR-2024-05-10
Posted on May 10, 2024
Paphiopedilum rothschildianum 'Krull's Dark Chocolate' AM-2024-05-06
Posted on May 06, 2024
SITF confirms this plant as Paphiopedilum rothschildianum (May 2024). This plant was entered as a primary hybrid of Paph. rothschildianum, however, the judging team believed it might be a straight Paph. rothschildianum. SITF concurs based on the numerous white cilia on the surface of the staminode which mimics aphids that attract predator wasps, its primary pollinators. This is a recessive trait and a key characteristic of Paph. rothschildianum. Measurements of the flowers also agree better than as a hybrid. A primary hybrid with P. gardineri would reduce the overall stature of the flower and plant.
Phalaenopsis tetraspis 'The Orchid Den' AM-2024-05-04
Posted on May 04, 2024
Stichorkis gibbosa 'Orange Benny' CBR-2024-05-03
Posted on May 03, 2024
Crepidium commelinifolium var. atropurureum 'Joel's Gift' CHM-2024-04-30
Posted on April 30, 2024
Microchilus argenteus 2024-04-24
Posted on April 24, 2024
SITF confirms this plant is Microchilus argenteus (Jul 2024). This plant is an excellent match to Aspidogyne argentea (synonym) on the OW; It also matches photos in the IOSPE. There is an award by the CAOB in the OW. Flower form, color and foliage all fit very well for this species.
Pleurothallis tenuisepala 2024-04-23
Posted on April 23, 2024
Posted on April 21, 2024
SITF has determined this plant to be Calanthe leonidii, not Calanthe judithiae (Apr 2024). The flower of Calanthe judithiae does not match the form of the lip of this plant. This plant is an exact match to the 2020 AOS awarded Calanthe leonidii, #20204471/CHM. The flower form and color, including the golden yellow protuberances at the base of the lip, matches this plant, as does the flower size given in the IOSPE description. This plant also matches the photos found in the Vietnamese article: http:/ .
Epidendrum bennettii 2024-04-20
Posted on April 20, 2024