Carol Beule

Phone: 818-645-6395 Email:

SpecialtiesSarcochilus history, Lycaste history, Japan and Fuukiran Neofinetia, The American Fuukiran Society in CA
FormatOnline and in-person
Provides plants for sale?No


Carol Beule is an EMMY award winning Costume Designer with a Master of Fine Arts in both Costume and Lighting Design from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She was a professional Costume Designer from 1974 until her retirement in July of 2017. She has grown all species of orchids since purchasing a home at the base of the Hollywood Hills 25 years ago, and it has been her quest to discover which orchids will thrive in the unique climate we have in the San Fernando Valley and it’s surrounding communities. In her search to find the perfect plant for her growing area, Carol now grows Neofinetia (Vanda) falcata, Paphiopedilum, Phalaenopsis, Cattleya, Laelia, Dendrobium, Lycaste, Asian Cymbidiums and Rossioglossum on her patio and in 2 small greenhouses. Carol is a Fully Accredited American Orchid Society Judge, the 1st VP of the Orchid Society of Southern California, and is on the committee that creates the Society’s display for the Huntington’s annual October Orchid Show. When she retired, she started making ceramic pots for the Japanese/Korean/Chinese orchid called the Neofinetia (Vanda) falcata, Asian Cymbidiums and other small plants. She grows in 2 small greenhouses and outside in her yard in Studio City, CA. She has grown orchids for 28 years. She recently wrote a 3-part article for the American Orchid Society monthly magazine on the pots used to display the Vanda falcata in Japan and the US. It was illustrated using some photos taken by her and other OSSC members. The 1st part started in February of 2022, and continued through to the April issue of last year

Talks and Abstracts


Sarcochilus history, background and newest hybrids for the US market

I show the warm and cool growing plants in all of their forms; discuss how to grow these plants; show many of the newest retail plants available and show how variable these plants really are when crosses are made. The last item is caused to show you that you can never be too sure what will happen with a Sarc. that has not yet bloomed. Many of the AOC (Australian Orchid Council) awards are also shown.

Lycaste history, species and modern hybrids available

The program takes you through the most important species used for developing new plants, showing all of them in depth. It also shows crosses that are unusual and that may be found for sale at some nurseries. I also show how to grow these plants, both the warm growing ones and the cool growing ones. I cover what has been done in Australia with these plants from Japanese flask stock and then show many of the most recent AOS awards of this species.

The Essence of Japan and Fuukiran (Vanda falcata) Neofinetia: A Country of Gardeners, Perfectionists and Tradition

It’s a country of gardeners, perfectionists and tradition, which leads to why these plants are held in such high esteem. I cover the Japan Fuukiran Society & their judging system, growers throughout Japan and talk about all of the most important varieties in both Japan and Korea, showing examples of all of these glorious plants. I end with how to grow them, depending on where you live.

The American Fuukiran Society in Southern California & the JFS in Japan


The Tokyo Dome Show... and a bit of all of Japan

This program shows many of the exhibits from The Tokyo Dome show as well as exhibits of water colors of orchids and many of the items for sale at the show. I take you through the building of exhibits and their final presentation, highlighting various exhibits as they are built & showing the many plants and award winners in detail.

Some small Paphs…. And their crosses: fairrieanum, tranlienianum, charlesworthii, henryanum & venustum

This program covers the following species - fairrieanum.. tranlienianum.. charlesworthii.. henryanum..ventustum and shows you how to grow them. Then we embark on the crosses made with these plants in all of their spectacular or unfortunate glory. All of these plants are easily grown on a windowsill, are easily obtainable and therefore show great promise with crosses that can be made in the future. They are also fun to grow.