Eric Sauer

Eric has been growing orchids for over 30 years under the greenhouse name of River Valley Orchids and specializes in South American Species with a focus on Brassia, Maxillaria and Phragmipedium. He has spoken internationally and across the United States. Eric has had culture chapters published by Guido Braem in his book on Paphiopedilum and in his book on Phragmipedium. He also has a feature article on Maxillaria in Orchid Digest and several of his Maxillaria photos published in Eric Christenson's book on Maxillaria. Eric has received over 100 awards from the American Orchid Society and has three orchids named after him including two species from Ecuador. He is the current president of the Miami Valley Orchid Society and the president of the Mid America Orchid Congress. Eric's real job is as a registered landscape architect serving as the planning manager for Five Rivers MetroParks in Dayton, Ohio.
Talks and Abstracts

Phragmipedium Species and a Few of Their Hybrids

Expanding Your Orchid Collection – Yes You Can Know What You Are Gonna Get

Brassia, No Archnophobia Here

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