Gary Yong Gee

Phone: 61 435-906-109 Email:

SpecialtiesEpiphytic and Lithophytic Orchids, Australian Deciduous Terrestrial Orchids, Orchids of New Guinea
FormatOnline and in-person
Provides plants for sale?No


Gary Yong Gee [surname Yong Gee] is an Australian born Chinese, and lives in Brisbane, Australia. He began growing orchids around 40 years ago. These days, he maintains a large hobby greenhouse, cultivating Australian native, and exotic species. He has over 100,000 orchid photographs taken on travels to parts of Australia, New Guinea, Asia, Europe, Central and South America, South Africa, and Madagascar, at shows, and in situ.
Gary is an orchid judge with the Australian Orchid Council. He is also a member of several Australian orchid societies, the American Orchid Society, and the Orchid Conservation Alliance. Gary’s main interest is species orchids. He has contributed an extensive monthly article to the Orchid Species Bulletin, published by the Orchid Species Society, for over 30 years. Gary has also written occasional articles for Orchids Australia, and the Australian Orchid Review; and given numerous talks to various orchid societies. The Vandaceous Orchids supplement to Orchids, Bulletin of the AOS, November 2021, has his article about Aerides.

Talks and Abstracts


Epiphytic and Lithophytic Orchids of South-east Queensland

Australian native orchids are popular subjects for orchid collectors. An insight into their natural habitat can give ideas on how better to treat them in cultivation.

Australian Deciduous Terrestrial Orchids

Approximately three quarters of Australia’s orchids are terrestrial. The large majority of these ground orchids have an annual growth cycle. Many have evolved fascinating flowers that mimic and deceive their insect pollinator. Some of the ground orchids have true blue flowers.

Orchids of New Guinea

Orchids is by far the largest plant family in New Guinea, with estimates of 2,800-3,500 species. The country is one of the world’s high biodiversity hotspots, with more species of orchid than any country in the world. Their unique habitats have resulted in an array of diverse and fascinating flowers.