Kim Feddersen

I am a third generation orchidholic; a member of the AOS, and several local Orchid Societies. I worked in my father’s orchid nursery throughout high school, college and beyond, till I left for the US in 1977. After almost 20 years away from the orchid scene, in 1994 I started growing orchids again. By 2010 I was laying the foundation for a hobby business; since 2017 I have been self-employed, and active in orchid shows throughout the Northeastern US. While my primary interest centers on Vandas, Paphiopedilum and Cymbidium, I have a broad range of orchids including Cattleya, Australian Dendrobium and assorted other genera in a 2500 Sq Ft greenhouse. In addition to orchids, I am also propagating both Hoyas & Clivia miniate. In 2022 Carolyn and I moved from Maplewood to North Plainfield, NJ. We are now working on the design & planting of a property that is more than twice as large as our old one. Considering that we left a perpetually flowering yard, and there are only 3 Peonies in our new garden, we have some work cut out for us. I do speaking engagements for garden clubs, master gardeners and orchid societies on a variety of subjects related to orchids.
Talks and Abstracts

Growing Seedlings from Flask

Cool Orchids, which can be grown outdoors 6+ months

Cymbidium I

Cymbidium II

Slippers - Mostly Paphs


Vandaceous - Growing Vandas in the Northeast

World Orchid Congress events - visit to Miami 2008

Family autobiography, spanning Denmark, Malaysia & US.

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