Mark Margolis

I am a retired middle/Junior high school science teacher. Taught over 30 years, 6th thru 9th grade science. Classes I taught ranged from general science to 8th and 9th grade honors physical science, honors biology and honors earth and space. Plus throw in some PE classes as well as basketball, football, softball and wrestling coach.
My introduction to orchids came from one of the veteran teachers in my department, Phyllis Lerner, who created the incredible hybrid Clowesetum Raymond Lerner, a highly awarded cross registered in 1983 that should be in everybody’s collection still today. As of September 2024, I’ve received over 140 American Orchid Society awards for my plants, Not too bad for a backyard growers collection of about 1000 plants. I’m a hobbyist and I’ve created a few orchid hybrids. I have divisions of many of my plants for sale, which I’ll bring with me for the talk
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