Den. Sec. Herpetophytum

Schlechter 1981


Tribe: Epidendreae
Subtribe: Dendrobiinae

This section is also spelledHerpethophytumin Reference 1, as is the speciesDen. herpetophytum(Den. herpthophytum). The spelling of the Section and species in this document agrees with the Royal Botanic Gardens Checklist (Reference 5). These plants are mostly epiphytes found in moderate altitudes and grow in dense moss covered trees in cloud forests with year-round rainfall. The plants are small, creeping rhizomes with branched, wiry stems and small leaves along the length. The leaves form sheaths on the stems. This Section is closely related to SectionMonanthosand is distinguished by the creeping plant habit and very small flowers, which have lateral sepals fused to form spurs which enclose the columns. The flowers are non-resupinate and last less than a day.

Culture: The culture in the data below are averages. For growing data for specific species, literature, such as Reference 1 & 2, are recommended.

Number of species:

The Section has about 14 species:*Den. appendicula,*Den. decumbens,**Den. millarae,*Den. disoides,**Den. glossorhynchoides,***Den. hippocrepiferum,*Den. scopula,**Den. nigricans,*Den. oxychilum,***Den. vanroemeri(not recognized by Kew)


New Guinea

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