(pronounced: ay-PLEK-trum)
Terrestrials arising from a spherical corm, the corms often paired and connected by a short segment of rhizome. Leaves solitary, plicate. Inflorescences terminal, erect, long-pedunculate racemes, the floral bracts minute. Sepals and petals free, subsimilar, subequal. Lip three-lobed, with longitudinal callus ridges. Column straight, without wings or a foot; pollinia 4, in two pairs, sessile on a common viscidium.
From the Greek a, meaning without, and plektron, meaning spur, referring to the flower’s lack of a spur.
A genus of two species with one species endemic to Japan and one species endemic to eastern North America.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Aplectrum in pots with a terrestrial mixture rich in humus. Provide intermediate temperatures, medium light levels and regular watering throughout the year. Overwinter the plants in a cold frame, an alpine greenhouse, or by plunging the pots into a garden bed.
Adams, M. S. 1970. Adaptations of Aplectrum hyemale to the environment: effects of preconditioning temperature on net photosynthesis. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 97:219-224.

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