
(pronounced: ass-PAY-zee-ah)


Maxillarieae subtribe Oncidiinae

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Caespitose epiphytes. Pseudobulbs lightly to strongly compressed, subtended by foliaceous bracts. Leaves 1--2 per pseudobulb, thin-textured, subsimilar and subequal to the uppermost foliaceous bracts. Inflorescences axillary, short, few-flowered racemes, shorter than the leaves. Flowers fragrant. Sepals and petals free, spreading. Lip three-lobed, fused to the base of the column and then sharply diverging. Column straight, terete; pollinia 2, deeply grooved, on a common stipe and viscidium.


From Greek mythology after Aspasia, beloved wife of Pericles.


A genus of six species ranging from Guatemala to Bolivia.

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


Barros, F. D. 1988. A new Brazilian species of the genus Aspasia Lindl., Orchidaceae: Aspasia silvana, n. sp. Hoehnea 15:94-99.

Williams, N. H. 1974. Taxonomy of the genus Aspasia Lindley (Orchidaceae: Oncidieae). Brittonia 26(3):333-346.