(pronounced: awks-OH-pus)
Gastrodieae subtribe Gastrodiinae
Leafless terrestrial saprophytes arising from tubers. Stems erect, unbranched, slender. Inflorescences terminal solitary flowers or racemes, the ovaries pedicellate, the pedicels greatly elongating in fruit. Flowers minute, ephemeral, yellow or brown. Sepals and petals subsimilar, subequal, fused at the base forming a tube. Lip free, unlobed, similar to the sepals and petals. Column elongate, without wings or foot; pollinia 4, without caudicles or viscidium.
From the Greek auxein, to increase, and pous, pedicel, referring to the pedicel which greatly increases in length during maturation of the fruit.
A genus of three species in tropical Africa and Madagascar.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Species of Auxopus are obligate saprophytes and cannot be cultivated.

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