(pronounced: BRAYM-ee-ah)
Maxillarieae subtribe Stanhopeinae
Caespitose epiphytes. Roots dimorphic with surface roots spiny, tree-like. Pseudobulbs ovoid, ridged. Leaves usually solitary, plicate. Inflorescences erect pedunculate racemes. Flowers showy, spidery. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar. Lip complex, divided into a hypochile and epichile, clawed. Column elongate, arching, with a short foot, without wings; pollinia 2, oblong, sessile on a common linear viscidium.
Named for German orchid taxonomist Guido Braem.
A monotypic genus from northern South America.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Braemia in large pots or baskets with medium grade epiphyte mixture. Provide warm temperatures, medium light levels, and regular watering throughout the year.
Jenny, R. 1985. Braemia, eine neue Gattung der Gongorinae. Die Orchidee 36(1):36-38.

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