
(pronounced: brow-TOH-nee-ah)


Epidendreae subtribe Laelinae. Cattleyopsis and Laeliopsis are recognized as separate genera by some authors.

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Caespitose epiphytes. Pseudobulbs ellipsoid to ovoid, compressed. Leaves one to several, leathery, with entire or finely and irregularly-toothed margins. Inflorescences terminal, long-pedunculate pedunculate racemes or subumbels, the floral bracts inconspicuous. Flowers usually lavender-pink to reddish-purple. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subequal. Lip unlobed, tubular at the base, +/- keels and trichomes along the major veins. Column +/- a small basal appendage, without wings or foot; pollinia 4 or 8, with caudicles. Ovary with a nectary, visibly swollen or completely internal.


Dedicated to Arthur Broughton, an English botanist active in Jamaica.


A genus of six species from the West Indies.

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


Diaz Dumas, M. A. and R. Perez 1986(1987). El redescubrimiento de Laeliopsis cubensis (Lindl.) Lindl. (Orchidaceae) en Cuba. Rev. Jardin Bot. Nac. La Habana 7(2):15-20.

Sauleda, R. P. and R. M. Adams 1984. A reappraisal of the orchid genera Broughtonia R. Br., Cattleyopsis Lem. and Laeliopsis Lindl. Rhodora 86:445-467.

Sauleda, R. P. and R. M. Adams 1989. A revision of the West Indian orchid genera Broughtonia Robert Brown, Cattleyopsis Lemaire and Laeliopsis Lindley. Orchid Digest 53:39-42.