(pronounced: kye-roh-STYE-liss)
Cranichideae subtribe Goodyerinae
Succulent terrestrials with trailing rhizomes. Stems leafy, erect. Leaves membranous, petiolate, not articulated with a sheathing base. Inflorescences erect, terminal, scapose racemes, the rachis pubescent. Flowers small, white, tubular. Sepals fused for half their length. Petals subequal to the sepals, fused to the dorsal sepal. Lip usually longer than the sepals and petals, saccate at the base, with a pair of basal calli, the apex lobed, flared. Column short, erect, with a pair of stelidia parallel to the elongate rostellum; pollinia 2, sectile, with short caudicles and a joint viscidium.
From the Greek, cheir, meaning hand, and stylis, meaning style, alluding to the fanciful resemblance of the lobed clinandrium to a hand.
A genus of about 27 species found primarily from tropical Asia to Australasia with three species in tropical Africa.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Cheirostylis in pots or bulb pans using a rich terrestrial mixture rich in organic matter. Provide low light levels, intermediate to warm temperatures, and steady watering throughout the year. Most species occur in shady, damp places in nature.
Jones, D. L. 1997. A taxonomic revision of Cheirostylis (Orchidaceae) in Australia. Muelleriana 10:75-83. Jones, D. L. and M. A. Clements 1998. A new combination in Cheirostylis from Vanuatu and New Caledonia and a new name for a Gastrodia from India and Pakistan. Orchadian 12(8):350-351. Sathish Kumar, C. and F. N. Rasmussen 1987. Cheirostylis seidenfadeniana sp. nov. (Orchidaceae) from India. Nordic J. Bot. 7(4):409-411.

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