(pronounced: koh-don-OR-kiss)
Terrestrials arising from small tubers. Stems erect, unbranched. Leaves 2--4, whorled. Inflorescences terminal scapes, without peduncular bracts. Flowers solitary, cupped. Sepals and petals free, subequal. Lip unlobed or three-lobed, clawed, with fleshy rows of appendages. Column arching, with a prominent foot; pollinia 2, naked.
From the Greek kodon, meaning bell, and orchis, meaning orchid, referring to the clapper-shaped lip appendages.
A genus of three species from Brazil, Argentina and Chile.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Codonorchis in pots or bulb pans of soil with a top-dressing of living sphagnum moss. Provide medium light levels, regular watering throughout the year, and cool to cold temperatures. Mostly native to cold, windswept grasslands plants of Codonorchis are incapable of surviving intermediate to warm temperatures.
Cribb, P. J. and P. J. Kores 2000. The systematic position of Codonorchis (Orchidaceae: Orchidoideae). Lindleyana 15(3):169-170. Mansfeld, R. 1936. Eine neue Codonorchis aus Sud-Brasilien. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 39:153-154.

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