(pronounced: kor-ISS-ee-um)
Diseae subtribe Coryciinae
From the Greek korykion, a diminutive of korykos, meaning a leather bag, referring to the globose flowers.
A genus of 14 species found from Malawi and Tanzania to South Africa with the center of diversity in the Republic of South Africa.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Corycium in pots of terrestrial mixture with the addition of sharp sand. Provide full light levels, cool temperatures, and egular watering throughout the year. Watering can be reduced somewhat after flowering.
Cribb, P. J. and H. Kurzweil 1994. The genus Corycium (Orchidaceae) newly reported for Tanzania. Kew Bull. 49:555-557. Kurzweil, H., H. P. Linder and P. Chesselet 1991. the phylogeny and evolution of the Pterygodium-Corycium complex (Coryciinae, Orchidaceae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 175(3-4):161-222. Oliver, E. G. H. 1986. A new species of orchid from the northwestern Cape. S. African J. Bot. 52(3):256-260.

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