
(pronounced: dye-ah-fan-AN-thee)


Vandeae subtribe Aerangidinae

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Monopodial epiphytes. Stems erect or pendent, short or elongate, often branching from the base forming large clumps. Leaves alternate, distichous, strap-shaped, leathery, often recurved. Inflorescences axillary racemes, usually laxly pendent, the floral bracts small to large and conspicuous. Flowers translucent white, green, yellow, or pale orange. Sepals and petals subsimilar, subequal, free, spreading. Lip unlobed or obscurely three-lobed, spurred, +/- an erect basal tooth-like callus. Column short, stout, without wings or foot; pollinia 2, on separate linear stipes, on separate viscidia or a common viscidium.


From the Greek diaphanes, meaning transparent, and anthe, meaning flower, from the translucent floral segments.


A genus of about 50 species in tropical Africa. Species of Diaphananthe section Diaphananthe bears pollinia on separate stipes attached to a common viscidium and a tooth-like callus. Species of Diaphanathe section Rhipidoglossum (Schlechter) Summerhayes b

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


Bellone, R. 1998. Les Diaphananthe et Tridactyle d’Afrique centrale. Orchid. Cult. & Protect. 36(4):13-21.

Johansson, D. 1974. Rhipidoglossum paucifolium, a new African species of Orchidaceae. Bot. Notis. 127:149-151.

Rasmussen, F. N. 1974. Diaphananthe adoxa sp. nov. (Orchidaceae) from southern Ethiopia and the inclusion of Sarcorhynchus in Diaphananthe. Norwegian J. Bot. 21(3):227-232.

Summerhayes, V. S. 1937. A review of the genus Rhipidoglossum Schltr. Blumea 1(suppl.):78-86.

Venter, H. J. 1995. Might miniatures, no. 10, Diaphananthe xanthopollinia. S. Afr. Orchid J. 26(3):84.