
(pronounced: dye-KEE-ah)


Maxillarieae subtribe Zygopetalinae. The genus has been divided into two subgenera: subgenus Dichaea with non-articulated leaves which are not deciduous and subgenus Epithecia (Knowles and Westcott) Senghas with articulated, deciduous leaves.

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Caespitose, pseudomonopodial epiphytes. Stems sparsely branched, erect to pendent, leafy throughout, rooting at the base. Leaves alternate, distichous, deciduous by abscission or withering and long-persistent. Inflorescences axillary short-pedunculate scapes, the floral bracts tubular. Flowers one to a few from axils near the tem apex, cupped. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar, subequal. Lip unlobed to three-lobed, clawed, often anchor-shaped, +/- basal callus. Column erect, with a short foot, without wings, the base of the stigma often extended as a tongue-shaped appendage; pollinia 4, in two pairs, on a slender common stipe and minute viscidium. Ovaries smooth, three-angled, or covered with fleshy trichomes (muriculate).


From the Greek diche, meaning twofold, referring to the strongly two-ranked leaves.


A genus of at least 55 species found throughout the neotropics. The species of Dichaea are amongst the most poorly studied and understood of all Neotropical orchids. Almost every species of Dichaea has horticultural appeal because of their unusual growth

Care and Culture Card

See basic growing conditions and care information below.


Folsom, J. P. 1996. An introduction to the genus Dichaea and a synopsis of section Dichaea. Orchid Digest 60(4):148-155.

Jenny, R. 1993. Dichaea angustisegmenta Dodson 1980. Die Orchidee 44(1): Orchideenkartei Seite 711-712.