(pronounced: dye-kroh-MAN-thuss)
Cranichideae subtribe Spiranthinae
Terrestrials arising from fleshy fasciculate roots. Leaves rosulate. Inflorescences terminal long-pedunculate racemes, the floral bracts conspicuous. Flowers tubular, horizontal. Sepals appressed forming a short tube, petals free. Lip obscurely three-lobed, sessile, without callus. Column short, straight, with a decurrent foot, without wings; pollinia 2, on a common elongate viscidium.
From the Greek di, meaning two, chroma, meaning color, and anthos, meaning flower, referring to the bicolored flowers.
A monotypic genus native to Mexico and Guatemala.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Dichromanthus in pots of loam with a high percentage of sharp sand. Provide full light levels and cool temperatures. Water regularly during active growth. After flowering reduce watering to a maintenance level.
Balogh, P. and E. Greenwood 1982. Cutsis Balogh, Greenwood & Gonzales, a new genus from Mexico. Phytologia 51:297-298. Garay, L. A. 1980(1982). A generic revision of the Spiranthinae. Bot. Mus. Leafl. 28(4):277-425.

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