(pronounced: duck-ee-EL-lah)
subtribe Pogoniinae, of unknown affinity.
Terrestrials without pseudobulbs or other storage organs. Roots fasciculate. Leaves rosulate, spirally arranged. Inflorescences terminal, erect, long-scapose racemes or panicles, the floral bracts conspicuous. Flowers cupped, ephemeral. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar, subequal. Lip three-lobed, concave, with a basal callus. Column straight, stout, with large subparallel apical wings; pollinia 4, naked, granular.
In honor of Dr. Adolfo Ducke for his contributions to Brazilian orchidology.
A genus of three species from Colombia to Brazil.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Duckeella in small pots of sand with minimal amounts of added humus. Provide very bright light levels and regular watering throughout the year. Duckeella adolphii Porto and Brade and D. pauciflora Garay are lowland plants that require warm temperatures. Duckeella alticola is a high elevation species that requires cool temperatures.

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