(pronounced: eh-fip-ee-AN-thuss)
Miniature terrestrials without tubers. Leaves one, basal, petiolate. Inflorescences terminal, long-pedunculate, few-flowered racemes, the floral bracts minute. Flowers yellow. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar, subequal. Lip unlobed, with erect-incurved lateral margins. Column short, with conspicuous wings, without foot; pollinia 2, naked.
From the Greek ephippion, meaning saddle, and anthos, meaning flower, referring to the saddle-shaped lip.
A monotypic genus endemic to Japan and Korea.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Ephippianthus is shallow pans of live sphagnum moss. Provide medium light levels, cool temperatures, and regular watering throughout the year.
Bergel, G. 1997. Ephippianthus sachalinensis Reichb.f., eine fernöstliche Miniaturorchidee. Die Orchidee 48(4):167. Maekawa, F. 1935. Dua genera nova Orchidacearum Japonensium. Bot. Mag., Tokyo 49:596-600.

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