(pronounced: hap-al-ORE-kiss)
Cranichideae subtribe Spiranthinae
Small terrestrials with tuberous roots. Leaves few, basal, subrosulate, long-petiolate. Inflorescences erect, scapose, few-flowered racemes. Flowers tubular. Lateral sepals free, the dorsal connivent or partially connate with the petals. Lip tubular, unlobed, variously constricted, saccate at base. Column straight, with a blunt, triangular rostellum flanked by a pair of subequal wings; pollinia four.
From the Greek hapalos, meaning soft or delicate, and orchis, meaning orchid, referring to the delicate texture and habit of the genus.
A genus of nine species from Central and South America.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Hapalorchis in small pots with a terrestrial mix. Provide them with even watering, medium light levels, and cool-intermediate to cool temperatures.
Pabst, G. F. J. 1975. Additamenta ad Orchideologiam Brasiliensem, XVII. Bradea 2(4):13-16.

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