(pronounced: hoe-neh-ELL-ah)
Maxillarieae subtribe Zygopetalinae
Caespitose epiphytes producing fan-shaped growths. Stems very short, completely concealed by the leaf bases. Leaves alternate, distichous. Inflorescences axillary solitary flowers. Flowers nodding. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar, subequal. Lip unlobed, sessile, with a conspicuous transverse basal callus. Column straight, without wings, with a very short foot; pollinia 4, sessile on a common transverse callus.
Honoring Brazilian botanist Federico Carlos Hoehne (1882--1959).
A genus of three species endemic to Brazil.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Hoehneella in small pots or baskets with a fine-grade epiphyte mixture or sphagnum moss. Provide medium light levels, intermediate temperatures, and steady watering throughout the year. The roots of Hoehneella should never dry out for long periods of time.
Senghas, K. 1993. Hoehneella gehrtiana (Hoehne) Ruschi. Die Orchidee 44(2): Orchideenkartei seite 717-718.

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