(pronounced: lye-roh-GLOS-sah)
Cranichideae subtribe Spiranthinae
Rosulate terrestrials arising from fleshy, fasciculate roots. Leaves solitary, basal, small. Inflorescences erect scapose densely few-flowereed racemes, the peduncle and floral bracts prominent. Flowers tubular, spirally arranged. Sepals and petal free, the dorsal sepal and petals appressed forming a hood. Lip three-lobed (pandurate), subsessile with a short claw, auriculate. Column short, with a short foot, the stigma bilobed, the rostellum rigid, acuminate; pollinia 2, club-shaped, on a common minute viscidium.
A genus of three species found from Mexico to Bolivia and Trinidad.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow Lyroglossa in pots of sandy terrestrial mixture. Provide warm temperatures, full light, and frequent watering when in active growth. Give the plants minimal water after flowering.

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