(pronounced: nee-oh-BATH-ee-ah)
Vandeae subtribe Angraecinae
Monopodials epiphytes. Stems short. Leaves alternate, distichous, leathery, minutely bilobed at the apex. Inflorescences one to few-flowered scapose racemes. Flowers white to pale yellow. Sepals and petals free, spreading, subsimilar. Lip unlobed or three-lobed, with a long basal spur with a funnel-shaped throat. Column short, auriculate at the apex; pollinia 2, globose, on separate viscidia.
A genus of five species native to Madagascar and the Comoro Islands.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Mount Neobathiea on long slabs with a pad of moisture retaining material at the roots. Provide bright, diffuse light, intermediate temperatures, and steady watering throughout the year. Most species are native to seasonally very dry habitats and watering should be reduced somewhat when not in active growth.
Bosser, J. 1969. Contribution a l’étude des Orchidaceae de Madagascar, XI. sur les affinites des genres Cryptopus Lindl. et Neobathiea Schltr. Adansonia, sér. 2, 9(4):539-547.
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