(pronounced: or-ee-OR-kiss)
From the Greek oros, meanting mountain, and orchis, meaning orchid, referring to their mountainous natural habitat.
A genus of 16 species found from eastern Siberia and the Himalayas to Japan and Korea.
Care and Culture Card
See basic growing conditions and care information below.
Grow plants of Oreorchis in shallow pots of terrestrial mixture with the addition of gravel and sharp sand. Provide cool temperatures, bright light, and regular watering throughout the year. Watering can be reduced during the winter dormancy but the soil should never fully dry out between waterings. The plants may be overwintered in a cold frame or alpine greenhouse.
Bergel, G. 1999. Oreorchis patens (Lindley) Lindley in Sibirien. Die Orchidee 50(3):[084]-[087]. Pearce, N. and P. Cribb 1997. A revision of the genus Oreorchis (Orchidaceae). Edinb. J. Bot. 54(3):289-328.

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